What Are The Basic Elements Of An Expository Essay?

Exposition is communication that is explained, whether in writing or speech. So an expository essay is an organized work which discusses and explains a set of ideas or a specific topic to a defined audience. This type of essay provides analysis and information. There may or may not be an overt main argument, although the points of view on the topic will be laid out. There are 8 basic steps that you need to follow when writing an expository essay, and they are listed below:

  • Choose your topic: When you are going through the process of choosing the topic for your essay, make sure that you have narrowed it down enough that it will be easily manageable within the pages or word count you have been assigned.
  • Compose the thesis sentence: Your thesis sentence (or statement) needs to express a controlling idea that is not too specific or too broad that you will be unable to develop it effectively.
  • Select your development method: Examine all the different possible methods so that you are able to settle on the one which will work best with your paper. Method choices include process analysis, classification, cause and effect, compare and contrast, example, and definition.
  • Get organized: Start with a basic outline that has introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. In the body paragraphs, start by listing all of the major divisions you will be discussing, and then fill in the supporting information you are planning on using.
  • Write topic sentences: Once you know how many paragraphs you are going to have, write a strong topic sentence for each one that directly relates to your thesis statement.
  • Write the paragraphs in the body: Expand on the topic sentence of each paragraph to develop your supporting information.
  • Write the introduction: Most students choose to write the introduction at the end. When done at the beginning it is often found to be too confining. Your introduction should contain the thesis statement, give a brief introduction to how the body paragraphs are divided, and include some type of hook to engage the interest of the reader.
  • Write the conclusion: To finish up with a strong conclusion, make sure that you have restated your statement from the introduction, and tie together all of your ideas to bring your paper to an effective and appropriate close.

One further thing to remember is that you need to have a smooth transition from one paragraph to the next. The last sentence of each paragraph should wrap up the ideas contained within it and lead logically into the next thought or idea.

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